Message for reflection – Sr.Angelica

Who is your Teacher?

In my spiritual journey, the Lord made use of a number of servants to enlighten me on Bible truths. Like a small child I relied on them and believed whatever they said and taught because the Lord used their prophetical gift to reveal many things to me. But one day  I perceived a deep pain in my spirit while a particular servant was  ministering. I knew in my spirit what he was doing was wrong.  It happened two three times. I did not have the courage to share it with him or with anybody for fear of slander. Neither could I bring this matter in prayer for fear of Romans 14:4   Who are you to judge another’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. I was struggling in my spirit. Reading  my heart,  the Lord gave me a dream one day with an interpretation that I need not look up to him thereafter but should focus on God who is the only Teacher of all human beings.

When I look back, I thank God  a million times, for allowing that incident to happen in my life. But for that I would have followed him,  a man,  throughout my life,  a mere man whose breath is in his nostrils, instead of following the only Teacher, Christ.

“And do not be called teachers; for One is your Teacher, the Christ. Mat 23:10  

Child of God, who is teaching you  the Word of God every day? Jesus Christ the Teacher or human teachers?

Posted in Volume 4 - Issue 01.