Troop Church Testimonies

Shankar, Goa : Was  not feeling well and did not want to attend this meeting.  He prayed and after coming here, he felt good.  No more headache. He applied for loan of 9 lakhs. There was lots of problems. After praying, God granted his loan. Praise the Lord.

Sandra, Goa : First time attended Troop fellowship and re-collected the vision given by God  and confirmed the things that is happening in Troop fellowship.

Had a vision in 2010, Two hands like gears coming together, praying together. She started praying about this. Then she narrated this to some other people and they were 8 who started praying together.  Now she understands, Troop churches are starting in Goa.

Luiza, Troop Margao : A young muslim girl, Meca was bleeding for 15 days. She comes to sleep at night with Luiza to give her company, Luiza is alone and Luiza shares with her the word of God every day, they sing songs and talk about Jesus.  Luiza told her about the lady who was bleeding and was healed by Jesus and asked Meca if she has faith  that Jesus can heal her, she said yes  and instantly was healed.  Praise the Lord.

Now, Meca who is still not baptized talks about Jesus in her office, prays for others even when she is travelling or at the bus stop. One day a lady who was in pain, asked Meca to pray and instantly this lady was healed.

Posted in Volume 4 – Issue 02.