Volume 4 – Issue 27


for War and victory over satan and his agents. It Enlists soldiers in the Army. Trains the   soldiers to proclaim the Word of God which is sharper than two edged sword powerful to shatter rocks into pieces and burn forests. It trains and forms evangelists .

Trains them to pray and wait upon the Lord to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit and to   proclaim the Good News with signs and   wonders. Offers fields of apostolate. Functions in cells of ten each.

Message for reflection – Sr.Angelica

Peace – your supervisor

Once a friend of mine while sharing her experiences, complained about her supervisor in the workplace. What I understood was that her supervisor  was a perfectionist. No worker could satisfy him.  Somehow or other he will find fault with the workers everyday; one day it will be somebody; next day it will be some other person.  She said, we all will be happy only on the day the supervisor is on leave.

This  morning I was reading  from the Bible.

“I will make your supervisors  peace, and your  exactors righteousness”. Is. 60:17

The word “supervisor” clicked my mind. It is a  promise from the Lord  that  “your supervisor will be peace”.

Suppose “peace” is a person, and  in whatever you do, wherever you go, this person accompanies you, guides you, teaches you and  corrects you.  In whatever  this person does, you will have perfect peace of mind!  What a blessed life! Phi  4:7  also promises  the same to those who believe in Jesus Christ.  

“And the peace of God, which passes  all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”.

Do you have Jesus Christ, the God of peace  within you? Do you enjoy peace  24/7 in your life! Have a check up!  Let peace be your only supervisor! Blessed you are!

Advanced Study in Troop Church Training (ASTCT)

“In the day of great slaughter, when the towers fall, streams of water will flow on every high mountain and every lofty hill” (Is 30:25)

These days the Holy Spirit is working in lightning speed and looking for people who will cope up with his swiftness in the operation of the strategy which the Lord has dictated to transform our nation India.  The Lord has entrusted us with the ministry of equipping those who come forward to do this. “Advanced Study in the Troop Church Training” – a 30 day study of 2 hours each is meant for this.  

ASTCT classes have been converted into Troop Churches in many places. Those who want to start ASTCT classes and start troop churches

Contact – 04465453245

Gift School

David School of Worship

July 9 – 10   (Batch 1 – Level 2)

Jeremiah School of Prophecy

July 23 – 24   (Batch 1 – Level 2)

Bethesda School of Healing

August 6 – 7   (Batch 1 – Level 2)

Paul School of Deliverance

July 16 – 17   (Batch 1 – Level 2)

For further details contact

9840577293 (Dr.Albet)

9952040052 (Sol.Johny)


7 Fold Agenda for Churches to escape from Persecution

7 Fold Agenda for Churches to escape from Persecution

(Based On Early Christian Church Acts 2: 42-47)

The Lord has shown the following radical steps to be taken by the Churches in India to escape from persecution

  1. No mention about money or tithe offering in the Churches
  2. No construction of Church buildings. Stop the Church building works even that are now going on.
  3. Moulding and training believers and releasing them from the Church after 6 months.
  4. Graduation of six months old believers
  5. Dividing the Church into small groups of 10
  6. Pastors should look for jobs and get employed
  7. No full time pastors for the church.

What is Troop Church ?

There is an earnest search among the believers across the world for a real Church where a person can commune with God and relate to his fellow brethren. After trials and experiments the Indian Church is forming “Troop Church”. 

The Army of Jesus was experimenting with the “Troop Church” for the past 17 years. Started in the year 1998, it is growing day by day. The experiment with Troop Church has been successful.

  1. It has independent first line,Second, third line Troop Churches. Number The of Troop Churches are not known. 
  2. It has raised many leaders, pastors, prophets, counselors and other ministers  and gospel workers.
  3. It has no visible leader or hierarchical structure 
  4. It has no office, no full timer, no paid worker etc. 
  5. No organizational (hierarchical) set up. 
  6. No money collection or transaction. 
  7. No election, board, Committee etc. 
  8. Every Troop Church trains up believers in their gifts like worshipping, preaching, prophecy etc. 
  9. Since the mother troop disperses and starts new troops after 2 months, there is no stagnancy. 
  10. No pollution or corruption of money or power.
  11. The two wings of Troop Church are Decentralization and Multiplication .


Troop Church TESTIMONY

Troop Paul / Leader – Bro.Kutty

We launched this troop church on 18th June 2016.. it was a very poor environment but HS presence & leading  was there throughout the session… I praise n thank Jesus for that

During the prayer session an young sister raise a prayer request saying that they don’t have proper house to live & wishing to have one for a long time we prayed in TC Style placing her in the center surrounded by other members….. released the Angelic Ministry…. they could witness the work of HS next day when the area councilor approached them along with few Government officials & did a survey then n there they approved a  house which will be built by the Government …. What a wonderful God he is

Another elderly sister raised a prayer request with regard to knee pain and other issues in her…. again TC style prayer which God acknowledged and approved complete healing



“Behold, I am the Lord , the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?

Jeremiah 32:27 NKJV


 TESTIMONY: Its raining testimonies – Troop Paul, Manapakkam / Leader – Bro.Kutty

    Previous week prayer points reported as testimonies on 2nd July 2016 ( as usual Troop Church Style )

*1.Drunkard son healed by Jesus. He brought 4 boys in the troop church. “Buy one and get 4 free”*

     Sister Nirmala  raised a prayer request during troop church prayer intercession on 25th June 16, saying that her Son who is aged 22 a drunkard, drinks every penny he earns… we were trying to wake him but he was fully drunk on that particular day , with heavy heart & oneness we all stretched our hands on the sister & prayed ( Troop Church Style ).. The mighty power of Jesus Christ ( 2Corinthians 3:17 ) brought the boy to the troop church gathering on 2nd July 16 & committed in front of HS that he is hating Alcohol  would not drink any more & will be following Jesus henceforth..He had brought 04 more youth boys along with him on that day ( Buy 1 Get 4 Offer )

*2.Sis.Kanchana’s husband got a job, a superb job*

     Sister Kanchana raised a prayer request for her Husband’s Job who is jobless for a while, all prayed with oneness our Lord Jesus Christ heard our prayers & brought the Job home that too a Job where he doesn’t have to step out he can do sitting at home & earn ( Buy 1 get 1 offer )

*3. A kid saw a vision of fire around us. A white feature like thing falling on us!*

     While we were praying for all the kids by letting them in the centre on 25th June 16, a boy named Gautham ( S/O Sis.Kanchana ) opened his eyes while prayer could see the gathering was surrounded by Fire & some white feather like thing falling from the sky he got scared & closed his eyes reported his mother later in the night

     These are the days of Acts 2:17…. Jesus Christ is mightily moving among the troop churches analyse & checkout is he part of your troop church…. SIGNS + WONDERS + MIRACLES = TROOP CHURCH ( LEAD BY HS)

More to come


Be Formed and Form

Be Formed and Form is a 5 day short term course. This training is a challenge to the present Church. Because our Lord Jesus Christ (Head of the Church) wants the Church to be transformed according to Ephe 5:26,27. To make her holy, (cleansing her by the washing with water through the word), and to present her himself as a radiant Church. Today the Church is ignorant about the will of our Lord Jesus Christ. By this BFF training , the Church awakes and arises to shine in the world.

The educated as well as the uneducated can apply . Send your Resume, Recent Passport size Photograph (3 Copies), ID Proof and reference letters to

Email ID : heavenlyhostofjesus@gmail.com

Ph : 044-65453245, 9952040052

Be Formed and Form Reports

Batch 40

The 40th Batch of BE FORMED AND FORM Training was held at Thrichy from  June 21-26. The Lord sent Seven persons from Andhra and Tamil Nadu to be formed and to form others in their respective places.

1 2 3

Batch 44


The 44th Batch of BE FORMED AND FORM Training was held at Arunachal Pradesh.


Batch 41

The 40th Batch of BE FORMED AND FORM Training was held at Ernakulam  from  June 21-26. The Lord sent seven teen persons from Andhra and Tamil Nadu to be formed and to form others in their respective places.

 5 6

Batch 43

The 43th Batch of BE FORMED AND FORM Training was held at Hyderabad from  June 27- July 2. The Lord sent Seven teen  persons from Andhra to be formed and to form others in their respective places.



Leviticus 1:1 (NKJV) Now the Lord called to Moses, and spoke to him from the tabernacle of meeting, saying,


     Leviticus 10: 1 (NKJV) Then Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, each took his censer and put fire in it, put incense on it, and offered profane fire before the Lord, which He had not commanded them. 2 So fire went out from the Lord and devoured them, and they died before the Lord.

     Numbers 16:35 (NKJV) And a fire came out from the Lord and consumed the two hundred and fifty men who were offering incense.

     The temple, with the Lord’s presence still not removed from there offered a formidable place of Holiness and fear.

     With the presence of God still intact in the Jerusalem temple, the Lord could not say that the Kingdom of Heaven has already come into your heart. The worship of the Lord in truth and spirit has commenced only after the Lord sent down His Holy Spirit. To a limited extent it came in the form of repentance and repentance baptism.

     So, the utterance of the Lord in Luke 17:20 and 21 was prophetic in nature which was fulfilled in Acts, chapter 2 when the Holy Spirit filled the hearts of men and women.

     Let us see in more in John chapter 14 and 16.


     The Lord has given confirmation to Luke 17:21 in John 14:16 and 17, that the Holy Spirit, the new Helper is the Kingdom of Heaven.

     John 14:16 (NKJV) And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.

          The Lord has clearly defined the outline of the Holy Spirit which His disciples were about to get and he promised that the Holy Spirit would reside in them – the new Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.

     The Lord has not left it at that. He chose to define the forthcoming Kingdom of Heaven in a more accurate fashion in John 16.


     John 16:13 However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. 14 He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you.

     The Lord has clearly stated here that the Holy Spirit is His spirit and whatever the Holy Spirit speaks is from Him, the Kingdom of Heaven. In short, the Holy Spirit of the New Testament is the mouth piece and executing arm of Jesus and hence the Holy Spirit signifies the Kingdom of Heaven in the new testament.


     Mark 9:1 (NKJV) And He said to them, “Assuredly, I say to you that there are some standing here who will not taste death till they see the kingdom of God present with power.”

      What is the meaning of Kingdom of God here?

      The Lord has indicated here that the disciples and people who were present at that time would see the power of the Holy Spirit descending on the people and great signs and wonders would take place, using the power of the Holy Spirit who is the New Testament’s Kingdom of God. Amen.

      The promise was that they would not die before seeing the massive power of the New Testament’s Kingdom of Heaven. They indeed saw the power!

     Yes, this prophecy got fulfilled when the Holy Spirit fell on the 120 people in the upper house (Acts 2) and subsequently through the massive signs and wonders done through His disciples. The work of the Holy Spirit continues till date.



     Arrival of the Holy Spirit – fulfilment of prophecy in Mark 9:1.

     Acts 2:1 (NKJV) When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. 2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

The Crowd’s Response

     5 And there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men, from every nation under heaven. 6 And when this sound occurred, the multitude came together, and were confused, because everyone heard them speak in his own language.

To be continue

Prophecy NEWS Updates..

We Just Witnessed The Greatest One Day Global Stock Market Loss In World History

More stock market wealth was lost on Friday than on any other day in world history.  As you will see below, global investors lost two trillion dollars on the day following the Brexit vote.  And remember, this is on top of the trillions that global investors have already lost over the past 12 months.  It is important to understand that the Brexit vote was not the beginning of a new crisis – it has simply accelerated a global financial crisis that started last year and that was already in the process of unfolding.  As I noted on Friday, we have been waiting for “the next Lehman Brothers moment” that would really unleash fear and panic globally, and now we have it.  The next six months should be absolutely fascinating to watch.

According to CNBC, the total amount of money lost on global stock markets on Friday surpassed anything that we had ever seen before, and that includes the darkest days of the financial crisis of 2008…

Worldwide markets hemorrhaged more than $2 trillion in paper wealth on Friday, according to data from S&P Global, the worst on record. For context, that figure eclipsed the whipsaw trading sessions of the 2008 financial crisis, according to S&P analyst Howard Silverblatt.

The prior one day sell-off record was $1.9 trillion back in September of 2008, Silverblatt noted. According to S&P’s Broad Market Index, combined market capitalization is currently worth nearly $42 trillion.

And of course many of the wealthiest individuals on the planet got absolutely hammered.  According to Bloomberg, the 400 richest people in the world lost a total of $127.4 billion dollars on Friday…

The world’s 400 richest people lost $127.4 billion Friday as global equity markets reeled from the news that British voters elected to leave the European Union. The billionaires lost 3.2 percent of their total net worth, bringing the combined sum to $3.9 trillion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. The biggest decline belonged to Europe’s richest person, Amancio Ortega, who lost more than $6 billion, while nine others dropped more than $1 billion, including Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor, the wealthiest person in the U.K.

Could you imagine losing a billion dollars on a single day?

I am sure that Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos are not shivering in their boots quite yet, but what if the markets keep on bleeding like they did in 2008?

On the other hand, globalist magnate George Soros made a ton of money on Friday because he had positioned himself for a Brexit ahead of time.  The following comes from the London Independent

The billionaire who predicted Brexit would bring about “Black Friday” and a crisis for the finances of ordinary people appears to have profited hugely from the UK’s surprise exit from the EU.

George Soros is widely known as the man who “broke” the Bank of England in 1992, when he bet against the pound and made a reported £1.5bn.

Although the exact amount Mr Soros has gained after Brexit is not known, public filings show he doubled his bets earlier this year that stocks would fall.

So what will happen on Monday when the markets reopen?

Personally, I don’t think that it will be as bad as Friday.

But I could be wrong.

In early trading, Dow futures, S&P 500 futures and Nasdaq futures are all down

Dow futures fell by 90 points in early trading, while S&P 500 futures slipped 11 points, and NASDAQ futures dipped 24 points. Gold futures rose, in a reflection of sustained demand for safe-haven assets.

And at this moment, the British pound is getting absolutely crushed.  It is down to 1.33, and I would expect to see it fall a lot lower in the weeks and months to come.


Well, the truth is that now that the British people have voted to leave the EU, the globalists have to make it as painful as possible on them in order to send a warning to other nations that may consider leaving.  I think that a recent article by W. Ben Huntexplained this very well…

What’s next? From a game theory perspective, the EU and ECB need to crush the UK. It’s like the Greek debt negotiations … it was never about Greece, it was always about sending a signal that dissent and departure will not be tolerated to the countries that matter to the survival of the Eurozone (France, Italy, maybe Spain).Now they (and by “they” I mean the status quo politicians throughout the EU, not just Germany) are going to send that same signal to the same countries by hurting the UK any way they can, creating a Narrative that it’s economic death to leave the EU, much less the Eurozone. It’s not spite. It’s purely rational. It’s the smart move.

The elite need a crisis now in order to show everyone that globalism is the answer and not the problem.  If the British people were allowed to thrive once they walked away, that would only encourage more countries to go down the exact same path.  This is something that the elite are determined to avoid.

The Brexit vote has barely sunk in, and Bank of America and Goldman Sachs are already projecting a recession for the United Kingdom.  Sadly, I believe that this is what we will see happen.

But it won’t just be the British that suffer.

On Friday, European banking stocks had their worst day ever.  In particular, Deutsche Bank fell an astounding 17.49 percent to an all-time record closing low of14.72.  I have warned repeatedly about the implosion of Deutsche Bank, and this crisis could be the catalyst for it.

In addition, I have repeatedly warned about the slow-motion meltdown that is happening in Japan.  On Friday, Japanese stocks lost 1286 points, and the yen surged in the exact opposite direction that the government is trying to send it…

Tokyo, we have a problem.

Last week, market tumult stemming from the U.K.’s vote to quit the European Union drove the British pound to its weakest levels in three decades.

Yet it also sent investors flocking to traditional safe haven assets like the U.S. dollar, gold and the yen, the latter surging against every major currency as the results of Brexit became clear:Dollar/yen spiked from a Thursday high near 107 to a two-year low near 99.

Just like in 2008, there will be days when global markets will be green.  When that happens, it will not mean that the crisis is over.

If you follow my work closely, then you know that it is imperative to look at the bigger picture.  Over the past 12 months, there have been some very nice market rallies around the world, but investors have still lost trillions of dollars overall.

What happens on any one particular day is not the story.  Rather, the key is to focus on the long-term trends.

And without a doubt, this Brexit vote could be “the tipping point” that greatly accelerates our ongoing woes…

“Brexit is the biggest global monetary shock since 2008,” said David Beckworth, a scholar at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, in a blog post on Friday. “This could be the tipping point that turns the existing global slowdown of 2016 into a global recession.”

We were already dealing with a new global economic crisis without the Brexit vote.  But what this does is it introduces an element of panic and fear that had been missing up until this current time.

And markets do not like panic and fear very much.  In general, markets tend to go up when things are calm and predictable, and they tend to go down when chaos reigns.

Unfortunately, I believe that we are going to see quite a bit more chaos for the rest of 2016, and the trillions that were lost on Friday

Know your enemy

Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, EXPOSE them” Ephesians 5:11


Section 1 – The Old Testament


9. The Birth of Tammuz & Polytheism

Now in the end we know that Nimrod met a violent and untimely death, but there are contrasting stories as to why and how it happened. Some have suggested it was at the hands of Shem’s descendants who had become outraged at what Nimrod was attempting to do in Babylon. Others suggest it was an act of rebellion by a band of his subjects. The most intriguing and most shocking version of events, however, is that he was killed by Semiramis.

Nimrod was by all accounts a brilliant tactician but it seems he made a fatal flaw in allowing Semiramis to retain control over the religion because it was the religion that was the true source of power behind his rule.  Through it, she won the hearts and minds of the people and she used it to her advantage when a schism developed between herself and Nimrod. She had become pregnant with an illegitimate son. When Nimrod heard about this he threatened to dethrone her and expose her true origins as a prostitute but Semiramis retaliated by devising a plot to overthrow him and retain power for herself.

The story goes that she had the priests kill him on her behalf at an annual New Year feast. The Babylonian people were then given a cover story to explain his death and when she eventually gave birth to her illegitimate son, she further claimed to the people that he was an immaculately conceived reincarnation of Nimrod. She called him Tammuz and presented him as the ‘seed of the woman’ mentioned back in Genesis 3. The messiah. We know that this verse really refers to Jesus Christ and so Tammuz was the first Christ imposture; the first anti-Christ.

Semiramis’ rule in the aftermath of this event appeared to be rather shaky and because of the increased threat to her safety she took to building walls, towers and gates around the city of Babylon to defend herself. She was actually the first to build fortifications of this type and therefore became so associated with this concept that in later times she was often depicted with a crown of turrets. To secure her position she increasingly emphasised her position as the mother of god and the “Queen of Heaven”. In other words she continued to use religious motivation to keep power.

As Tammuz grew up and reached maturity he began demanding to be installed as the new king. Not only did Semiramis refuse this but seeing that he was becoming a threat to her rule, concocted a plan to have him disposed of in the same manner she had disposed of Nimrod. Tammuz however caught wind of her scheme and ran her through with a sword before she had the chance to implement it. He then purged the priesthood of all who wouldn’t swear allegiance  to him to consolidate his position within the religion. This ended Semiramis’ rule.

It did not however, end her relevance. After death, Nimrod continued to be worshipped as the sun god. After
Semiramis’ death, she continued to be worshipped as the moon goddess and they continued to be represented by the leading lights of the sky. Semiramis, also known as the Great Mother, Divine Mother, Virgin Mother etc. would often be depicted standing on a crescent moon with stars encircling her head. Both Nimrod and Semiramis were also given new names in their post-life godly form. Nimrod was confirmed by the priests of their religion as a god called Marduk. Semiramis was confirmed as a goddess called Astarte. These names however were never revealed to the masses but instead their attributes were set forth under  pseudonyms of various gods constructed for the public interest. For example, we can call God Jehovah Jireh meaning the Lord who provides or Jehovah Nissi which means the Lord is my banner but we know these different names refer to the same God. 

 In Babylon these different names which represented different parts of Nimrod and Semiramis’ character however morphed into separate entities altogether and polytheism (multiple god worship) was truly born. Some of Marduk’s alter-egos for example included Enki or Apsu who was the god of wisdom, incantations and deep water oceans. Another was Astalluhi – the god of healing and exorcism.Another name was Nebo or Nabul who was believed to have come out of a cave or hole in the ground and so worship ceremonies were held for Nebo underground. This cave theme became significant in Babylonian beliefs and is a recurring theme. It also curiously echoes Revelation 13 which talks of a beast coming out from the ground.

To be continue

              National Worship Centre (NWC)

                Visions and revelations

            NWC VISIONS

  • The destruction planned against South – east part of india by satan and his gang. God has promised to stand in and deliver His people.
  • 30 years back I learned to play piano. Today God gave me the grace to play the keyboard. I can feel the anointing flowing in my hands. Praise to be God !!
  • I saw Jesus coming and embarrassing us and giving us Aaron rod in our hand.
  • I saw a vision that God raising a thousands of people for battle. I saw a thousands & thousands of people (wearing Solider dress) and they are in the battle field. In that middle I saw a pure white horse in the middle which leads the whole group.

Praise God for the successful completion of 9439 slots in National Worship Centre with a Non Stop   Worship (24/7)